> Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 12:31:30 -0700 (MST)
> From: (wls/westlynx) Mitch Freedman <freedman@wlsmail.wls.lib.ny.us>
> To: watpa@westnet.com
> Cc: watpa@westnet.com
> Subject: Re: Universal E-Mail
> Bill,
> Let me know more about the details. I am not aware of a Westchester
> public library that is separately charged for Internet, unless the
> library bought a private account. The WESTLYNX/WLS system bundles all of
> the charges into a single maintenance and phone line charge--these
> charges are library and use independent.
> mitch freedman
> westchester library system
> On Wed, 6 Dec 1995, William Langham wrote:
> >
> > I had an interesting message the other day from the President of our
> > lovcal library. They've had the internet at the library for some months
> > now and the telco costs are beginning to have serious budget
> > implications. I have to talk with her for clarification, but Mith's
> > point about adequatelibrary funding is a very real concern at the enduser
> > point. If access becomes restricted at the public (free :-) ) end what
> > have we really accomplished?
> >
> > My 2 cents
> >
> > Bill
> >
During a follow-up conversation with our local library president, I was
able to clarify for her (and myself) that the library's annual fee to WLS
does not vary with use. Peggy Peters, Lib. President) was under the
misconception that when patrons accessed the 'net, that added charges
would accrue (as at AOL or Prodigy). Peggy was VERY concerned that
active use of the net via public terminals at the library could have
extremely bad effects on her budget.
IMHO, I told her that the budget-busting items are more likely to be in
paper and printing charges as patrons off-load search results. I have
invited Peggy and one of her board members to attend the next WATPa
meeting. The public library community has some basic decisions to make
regarding public access -
Time-limits for terminal
Info capture
Appropriate material
Printing fees
User Training
Mitch, perhaps WESTLYNX Users Group has already addressed these matters.
If not, perhaps WATPA could host a meeting to discuss these things with
the WLS member boards of trustees. there seems a gap between what the
Rye Free Board knows and what the staff knows.
As a result of my discussion with Ms Peters, I told her I would
re-subscribe to PUBLIB-L and PACS-L to see what other libraries are doing
with the questions above...