To watpaE: enter dates: The Digital Future: A C-SPAN MINI_SERIESTHE DIGITAL
A Library of Congress Series
6:30pm-8:00pm ET on C-SPAN (each program in the series will air during these
The series is called "Digital Future" and will examine how the digital age
is changing the most basic ways information is organized and classified.
Each event will feature a keynote speaker as well as a panel discussion.
Monday, December 13 - BREWSTER KAHLE, a digital librarian & director and
co-founder of the Internet Archive. He will explain how and why capturing
material on the Web is important, and discuss the challenges of selecting
pertinent content.
Monday, January 31 - BRIAN CANTWELL SMITH, dean of the Faculty of
Information Studies at the University of Toronto. The title of his talk is
"And Is All This Stuff Really Digital After All?"
Monday, February 14 - DAVID LEVY, professor at the Information School of the
University of Washington. He will discuss the shift of the experience of
reading from the fixed page to digital, and the effect that has had on
Thursday, March 3 - LAWRENCE LESSIG, professor at Stanford Law School &
founder of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society. He will discuss
digital copyright issues.
Monday, March 14 - EDWARD AYERS, dean of the College and Graduate School of
Arts & Sciences at the University of Virginia. He will address the
implications of creating and distributing knowledge in today's digital
Monday, March 28 - NEIL GERSHENFELD, director for the Center of Bits and
Atoms at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His talk is titled "From
the Library of Information to the Library of Things."
To find more details about the series, please visit
This is online in Real streaming format @:
If you have any questions about the Library of Congress series, please call
the C-SPAN Educators' Hotline at 1-800-523-7586 or email
All C-SPAN-produced programs are copyright clear for educators to videotape
and use in the classroom.
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