The New York State Library is pleased to announce that it has renewed
and enhanced its contract with Thompson/Gale regarding the NOVEL
database Health Reference Center-Academic. The renewal contract begins
January 1, 2005, and ends December 31, 2007.
In the new contract, the Health Reference-Academic database will be
upgraded to the Health & Wellness Resource Center on January 1, 2005.
The original Health Reference Center-Academic will still be available on
the Gale database menu listing for NOVEL users until July 1, 2005.
The Gale URL address for individual library accounts will not change.
As a further enhancement to the NOVEL offerings, Thomson/Gale will
include the Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) with the following
medical and history titles:
Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine
Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer
Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine
Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health
American Revolution Reference Library, 4 volumes plus index
American Civil War Reference Library, 4 volumes plus index
Major Acts of Congress, 1st Ed., 3 volumes
History Behind the Headlines, vol. 1-6 set
MARC records for these GVRL titles can be downloaded and added to
individual libraries' OPACs. Titles will also be listed below the search
box on the Gale webpage interface and can be searched individually or as
a group. Please contact the NOVEL Help Desk for assistance.
Individual libraries that want to add other Gale Virtual Reference
Library titles to supplement the collection provided by NOVEL will be
able to purchase those titles at a 20-percent discount directly from
Gale for a limited time. Gale will also provide credit and/or an upgrade
to libraries that have already purchased the Health & Wellness Resource
Center database. Please contact your local Gale representative for
In renewing the Gale contract, New York State Librarian Janet M. Welch
accepted the recommendation of NECAT (NOVEL Electronic Collections
Advisory Team). NECAT is the working group appointed by the NOVEL
Steering Committee and charged with recommending NOVEL-supported
electronic collections. The State Library also continues to consult with
other organizations involved with the selection and group licensing of
electronic collections.
If you have questions on the resources described above, please send
them to The NOVEL Help Desk is available from
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday at 877-277-0250.
Received on Tue Nov 30 21:33:45 2004
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