From: Norman J. Jacknis (
Date: Fri Mar 05 1999 - 21:03:26 EST
Just so you know, WATPA is on the U.S. Congress' Internet Caucus Advisory Committee. Preliminary information is appended to this email.
Dear Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee members:
Thank you for your letters expressing your intent to play an active role as
members of the Advisory Committee and welcome to the Advisory Committee of
the Congressional Internet Caucus for the 106th Congress. We want to
welcome back those members from the 105th Congress, as well as welcome
aboard those members who are new to the Advisory Committee this year. As
you may know, the Co-Chairs of the Caucus are Congressman Boucher,
Congressman Goodlatte, Senator Leahy and Senator Burns.
As was discussed at the organizational meeting in January, the Caucus
Advisory Committee is interested in hosting several educational forums once
again this year. I have attached the lists of task force members (in Excel
format) for the forums for this year, both policy and administrative, either
suggested by you or by the Caucus Co-Chairs.
In addition to members of the Advisory Committee, we expect to complement
task force composition with Congressional Members of the Internet Caucus who
have expressed interest in those issues. Those Members, over the next few
weeks, will notify the Caucus Co-Chairs of their desire to participate.
Once those task forces have been established, the event planning will begin.
Each forum has one of the four Caucus Co-chairs assigned to assist it, and
their staffer will be the contact person for that task force: Senator Burns
and Representative Boucher are participating in Access, Senator Leahy and
Representative Boucher are participating in Privacy, Senator Burns and
Representative Goodlatte are participating in Security, and Senator Leahy
and Representative Goodlatte are participating in Content. As you may know,
the Caucus Co-Chair staff are as follows: Ben Cline with Representative
Goodlatte (202-225-5431), Mark Rubin and Lauren Frazier with Representative
Boucher (202-225-3861), Mike Rawson and Renny Hellickson with Senator Burns
(202-224-8250) and Ed Pagano with Senator Leahy (202-224-7703).
The Co-Chair staff are excited and hope that this year will be the best yet.
Thanks to the leadership of the Co-Chair's and their staff, we have had the
highest turnout rate for Advisory Committee membership yet, and the staff
continues to be contacted by numerous Congressmen interested in joining the
Internet Caucus. We are pleased to announce that the Caucus Kick-Off event
will be held on March 25 on Capitol Hill. Please feel free to contact
either the Co-Chair staff or Tim Lordan at the IEF if you have questions.
Thank you for your interest.
Jerry Berman
Internet Caucus Advisory Committee
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