WATPA: FW: PTP Grants Pool

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From: Norman J. Jacknis (njacknis@ix.netcom.com)
Date: Wed Mar 03 1999 - 20:19:34 EST

Here are the guidelines for the Progressive Technology Project's initial
Grants Pool. We would appreciate your sharing them with anyone who might be
interested in applying. Note that the deadline is April 9. Thanks - Caron

Progressive Technology Project
Grants Pool

Deadline, April 9, 1999

The Progressive Technology Project (PTP)

The Progressive Technology Project is a new collaboration that seeks to raise
the scope and scale of technology resources available to grassroots organizing
groups working for progressive social change. PTP's goals include:

        developing a program of technical assistance that addresses the
        unique needs of organizing groups

        building the capacity of groups to sustain new technology skills

        leveraging resources

        creating models that are effectively shared and spread

        creating a place for strategic discussions about the relationship
        between technology and grassroots organizing

The newly established PTP Grants Pool will award grants up to $10,000 to
support the technological component of strategic programs that advance the
goals of an organization and create replicable models or address critical

The PTP Grants Pool will support:

Organizations that do organizing, defined as empowering communities and
building an accountable leadership structure, and organizations at the
grassroots community level that increase the capacity to impact public policy and hold
public officials and other decision-makers accountable.

Organizations will have:

* Basic technological capacity (at minimum)
* A strong organizational infrastructure
* A willingness to spread access, skills, and use of technology broadly
* A demonstrated capacity to share information and educate others
* A recognition of their need for technology

Successful programs will:

* Use technology to increase an organization's capacity to achieve its
        organizing goals
* Be sustainable beyond the support of the PTP

PTP grant funds may be used for:

Needs assessment, planning, purchasing hardware and software, designing
applications, setting up systems, training and support, and other strategic

Please submit the following information in a three to five page letter:

1. Organizational profile: description and vision for the overall work
        of your organization.

2. Who is your constituency?

3. What is your organizing agenda?

4. What is your current technological capacity?

5. Describe the technological need or application for which you are
        seeking support from the PTP Grants Pool.

6. What are the overall goals for the application of technology for your
        organizing agenda and how does this proposal fit into this broader plan?

7. How will you concretely define and measure success in this work?

Attach an organizational budget and a budget for your request.
If your request is part of a larger project indicate where you anticipate
additional funds to come from and what will happen if all of these funds are
not raised.

You may also attach supplementary materials.

Review process:

 A Grants Committee consisting of community organizers, technical experts,
and funders will review the proposals. Grants will be awarded in May of 1999.

Please note:

This initial PTP Grants Pool is limited in size and it is expected to be
highly competitive. It is anticipated that there will be additional rounds
and a larger
Grants Pool in the future.

Send proposals to:

Progressive Technology Project
123 Seventh Avenue, Box 201
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Proposals must be received by April 9, 1999.

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