·       All peace, Pfeiff. Our coach and friend.  Gary Margolis ‘67

·       I am blessed and honored to have played for Coach Pfeiff, although only one season but he left quite the legacy.   Bob Harris ‘77

·       I had the privilege of being coach Pfeiffer’s first captain in football and lacrosse and then coaching with him for two years. We were always blessed to see his quiet and principled leadership.  He was a good man and we can all keep his spirit alive by trying to live to his standards.  Doug Arnot ‘72

·       Pfeiff's spirit
Bustin' outta that old Superman's suit of a body is like
An eaglet breaking through its birth/earth shell.
Greeting the sun to begin a new chapter in eternity.
Meanwhile, the seeds of that very spirit,
Having been so lovingly and so strongly implanted in each of us
Will just keep blooming.
We have all been blessed, and continue to be blessed through our interactions with him in this life-plane.   I am forever grateful for that and eye thank God for Coach, and for our lives having intersected.
"To the hill, Men!"     Ed “Woody” Woodson ‘76

·       The passing of coach Pfeiffer is a huge loss for all of us, and I’m glad he was able to attend the Zen Masters tournament to receive the love and appreciation all of us felt towards him. This makes my inability to attend even more disappointing. My sincere condolences to his family and indeed all of us. Steve Detra ‘75

·       I too am sorry to have missed the Vail gathering.  Pfeiff will live on as long as we remember him and speak his name. Charlie Jackson ‘74

·       What a great guy and coach! We are all so lucky to have played for him. I’ll always remember his stance on the sideline on a cold spring day, short sleeved shirt and arms crossed, and I’m thinking, “Man, he is one tough dude!!”   I was so sorry to have missed last June in Vail with Pfeiff and you all, but happy to have given him a big hug at the Hall of Fame dinner less than a month ago. He was the best!!   Cam Brown ‘74

·       I learned more from him than from any other teacher, coach or boss.  Rest in peace, Coach.   Jay Doherty ‘75

·       I too, am sad to hear of you passing, but very pleased I was able to write you a note Pfeif that you got to read and appreciate. I'm truly sorry I missed such a big game and spending valuable minutes with you.  That's the truth.  Like back in ‘72, you brought us all together again. What an important thing for me to remember.  Thank you Rob for that, for your strong but silent sense of humor and smile.  Thank you for introducing me to all my new friends. What a gift. Piece to you from an Indian kid who treasured his "many" wooden sticks. I had my best with You!   Brad Bruce ‘72

·       While he was at Middlebury for just a few years, it was a tumultuous period in our country’s history and he greatly influenced and helped those of us who played under him.  He was also an assistant football coach, so many of us got a double dose of his wonderful and caring approach to coaching.  We will miss him dearly, but we can keep him alive by living the lives that he showed us how to live. Bobo Sideli ‘77

·       I was not able to join you all last summer in Vail as I was teaching in Kenya at the time, so I did not get the opportunity to see Coach during that time. As I look back over my brief college playing days, Coach Pfeiffer had a profound impact on my life. He coached with a rare blend of toughness and empathy and you knew that he cared about you both on and off the field. Who could forget the times that we were put in the squash courts, had to climb the backside of the football stadium, run to the farm, or Coach sleeveless with biceps that were Zeus like. His influence has shaped the way that I have coached the sport for the last 43 years and I can truly say that he offered me the opportunity to play and gave me confidence when I was lacking.  I will miss him.   Bruce Collamore ‘77