FW: Create a graphic for use on the U.S. DOT home page

Norman J. Jacknis (njacknis@ix.netcom.com)
Thu, 8 Oct 1998 20:40:30 -0400

The US Department of Transportation is asking for assistance in developing a
creative logo or graphic for their home pages. Your help in the endeavor in
proposing suggestions would be greatly appreciated:

Subject: A creative mind is a terrible thing to waste!
Author: Broadcast Message at ostmail
Date: 9/24/98 9:21 AM


Create a graphic for use on the U.S. DOT home page

The Department's Internet Steering Committee invites you to be creative!!
You are encouraged to come up with a logo or graphic for use on the DOT's
home page at http://www.dot.gov. This new Graphic will not replace the
official departmental seal. However, it will be central in creating a new
"look" on our website. We have had the same design since May 1997 and the
committee feels it is time to update and improve upon what currently

The committee is looking for a design that represents the Department as
intermodal, while preserving its individual elements. Additional
guidelines are not provided in order to encourage creativity.

Submissions will be accepted from DOT employees and the public. There is
no financial compensation for submissions, however the name(s) will be
noted to ensure proper credit is given to the selected designer(s).

Graphic files should be in "jpg" or "gif" format no larger than 40k to
ensure quick loading by visitors to the DOT website. Submissions can be
mailed to:

Web Design Contest
U.S. Department of Transportation
400-7th Street, SW, S-3
Washington, DC 20590

or sent as an attachment via e-mail to webcontest@ost.dot.gov

Please submit your entry by October 31. The final selection will be
announced on or around November 15.

All material becomes property of the U.S. Department of Transportation for

all purposes including copyright and will not be returned to the submitter.

Any questions about this contest should be directed to Alice Alexander at

We look forward to receiving your entry soon!! Thank you for interest in
this ONE DOT effort.