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Subject: Internet Message
Date: 08/02
Time: 12:08 PM
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From: SRVG22A@prodigy.com (MR GLEN C BUCHER)
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 12:05:44, -0500
To: watpa@westnet.com
Subject: Internet Message
Sender: owner-watpa@westnet.com
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Reply-To: watpa@westnet.com
Hi Norm:
Thank you for the info. I will give him a call. How is eveything with
you. We will probably have
a meeting sometime in September of the cable committee concerning the
possible use of
a consulting firm by the name of Monroe Cummications (used by the
town for cellular tower ordinance) who presented a workshop to some
of the town official concerning a municipal ordance approch to help
regulate cable TV. I will let you know. Also the town is compiling a
list of birth dates for the members of town committees. I don't know
if you wish to share such top secret information with them. Let me
know. You can omit the year.
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