In the recently completed re-franchising, TCI has provided a “grant” of
$110,000 to CVC for studio construction. We intend to combine this
grant with $70,000 we already have for building construction to “gut”
and refurbish a building (already under lease) in Bolton, CT as a
studio. Bolton is 15 minutes North and East of Hartford on I-384.
The firehouse is a two story building with approximately 2600 sq. ft on
the ground floor and approximately 2000 sq. ft on the upper floor.
Current intent is to remove a 25x25 section of the second floor to
provide studio space. The balance of the building would be used for
edit suites, offices, etc.
A legal notice was placed in the Hartford Courant, and two other papers
in (CT), soliciting letters of interest from parties that might serve as
project managers and might also provide some of the services listed
below. Responses have been sparse.
Can any of the people on this list provide suggestions of individuals
and companies that might be interested in helping us?
The text of the legal notice follows:
The following is from the public notice.
“CVC is looking for a consultant to serve as an agent of the board of
directors to provide the following:
assist in facility design
work with the architect
manage construction, including seeking bids for each phase
recommend equipment and work with vendors to acquire and install
oversee project in concert with the Executive Director (of CVC)
report to Board of Directors
Please submit qualifications including:
experience in studio design
experience in managing the construction of a studio
experience in video production and post production
CVC intends that construction will begin in the fall of 1998, completion
in the Spring of 1999, at a cost between $130,000 and $150,000.
Please respond with a summary of your qualifications and experience and
a non-binding estimate of the cost of the above described management
services ASAP,
to: Richard Jennings
P.O. Box 9500
Bolton, CT 06043
850-228-1317 (E-Mail)
We will appreciate any suggestions that you can offer.
Dick Jennings