CPSR-GLOBAL Digest 822
Topics covered in this issue include:
by Edupage Editors <educom@educom.unc.edu> (by way of Marsha Woodbury)
Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 17:40:41 -0500
From: Edupage Editors <educom@educom.unc.edu> (by way of Marsha Woodbury)
To: cpsr-global@cpsr.org
Subject: BEEPNESS (@)
Message-ID: <v04003a04b18e51bb3b80@[]>
Edupage, 24 May 1998.
By Thursday all of the pager and other communications companies that lost
service after the Galaxy 4 satellite began rotating uncontrollably Tuesday
evening had found communications capacity on other satellites. John Leslie,
the chief technology officer for one company that switched to another
satellite, says: "There was no way we were going to get a technician out
here, because so many people needed help. There's the right way to do it,
which is to use a spectrum analyzer, which is probably an $8,000 piece of
equipment, and then there's the way you do it when you have to do it. We
looked up on the Web where in the sky the Galaxy 4 was, and then we looked
up where the new satellites were, and we used string and a protractor to
reposition the dishes on the roof. It was an emergency trip to Office
Depot. I told them to get the biggest protractor they could find." (New
York Times 22 May 98) Note: Our last issue indicated that the satellite
malfunction had caused some Public Television programs to go off the air;
the reference should have been, instead, to Public Radio. Public Television
was not affected.
Edupage is written by John Gehl (gehl@educom.edu) and Suzanne Douglas
(douglas@educom.edu). Telephone: 770-590-1017
End of CPSR-GLOBAL Digest 822