It is also interesting to note that the only people who seem to be
making any money on the net (profiting) are those who already have a
huge business to start off with (Cisco, Dell). At the Internet COmmerce
Expo in LA a couple of months back, a bunch of companies kept stressing
how much money was saved by it's net presence. While that is
wonderful, it would be interesting to see how many companies who didnt
have a storefront presence are profiting from net revenue.
Also, ecommerce is still in it's infancy. I've evaluated a number of
products which promise an ecommerce 'solution' and still, I have not
found the 'perfect' product. I am now a believer that the best thing
anyone can do for themselves is to get a crew of very skilled techs who
can either write their own app, or, more likely, force a vendor's
product to abide by certain business rules (what we did).
Anyways, enough jabbering from me :).