At a press conference yesterday in Washington, DC, new Federal
Communications Commission member Harold Furchtgott-Roth confirmed that
he does not own a television set. Furchtgott-Roth is one of four new
commissioners at the FCC, which holds sway over such issues as television
ratings, requirements for children's programming, TV liquor advertising
and cable TV rates, as well as other telecommunications issues.
When asked why he did not own a television set, Furchtgott-Roth responded:
"I've got five children. And we have no shortage of live entertainment in
our house."
TV-Free America executive director Henry Labalme was asked for his
reaction to the news. "I think it's tremendous," said Labalme. "Maybe
all commissioners should eschew the TV set as they consider regulation of
the industry."
For the full story, go to
Monte Burke <>
TV-Free America
1611 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 3A
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 887-0436
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