Do you make or implement access policies at your library? Can (or should)
your library support unrestricted access to the Internet in every
situation? How do you balance the interests of children with the needs and
rights of adults?
If you're dealing with these questions in your school or library, you
should attend the teleconference on October 17, from noon to 2:00 p.m.
You'll hear Joey Rodger of the Urban Libraries Council, Daniel Weitzner of
the Center for Democracy and Technology, and Ginnie Cooper, President of
the Public Library Association.
National Issues - Local Decisions: Libraries, the Internet, and the First
Amendment will be held on October 17 at Housatonic Community-Technical
College in Bridgeport, Housatonic Valley Regional High School in Falls
Village, Gateway Community-Technical College in North Haven, Manchester
Community-Technical College, and Three Rivers Community-Technical College
in Norwich.
Registration is $15 for staff of CRLC, ECL, SCLC, or WCLC libraries, and
$25 for non-members. This videoconference from the College of DuPage is
important to librarians, trustees, and school library media specialists.
Please join us - call the WCLC office at 203-577-4010 for a registration
Anita R. Barney
Executive Director
Western Connecticut Library Council
P.O. Box 1284
Middlebury, CT 06762
203-577-4012 / fax 203-577-4015