FW: Kids and PCs
Norman J. Jacknis (njacknis@ix.netcom.com)
Tue, 6 May 1997 22:13:14 -0400
>USA Today : Kids Want Their PC's
>April 24th 1997: A USA Today poll shows that 98 percent of all teenagers
>in the US have used a computer and they spend an average 4.4 hours per
>week on a PC at home or at school. The survey, based on telephone
>interviews with 744 students in grades 7 through 12, asked them what they
>"could easily live without": 49 percent said a VCR, 28 percent said a
>television and 23 percent a computer. Officials estimate about 18.8 million
>U.S. kids under age 18 have access to home computers. Using the
>Internet, sending e-mail and searching the Internet for non-school work
>sites was done by 46 percent of low-income teens compared with 67
>percent from wealthier families.