As many of you know, the Federal government has required phone companies to
provide "universal access", including to those who might not otherwise be
able to afford access at market rates. The FCC is reviewing this in light
of the advances in telecommunications.
Below, I've attached a summary of one organization's views on this and a
reference to their Web site on the subject. The Benton Foundation which
has been a leader in access issues.
Does anyone want to take the lead on developing a WATPA statement for the
Norm Jacknis
================================ forwarded
>On Friday, February 21, the Benton Foundation and the Edgemont
>Coalition filed joint comments in the open universal service proceeding at
>the Federal Communications Commission.
>The filing addresses eligibility and verification issues for low-income
>consumers who are to receive universal service benefits. Benton and
>Edgemont propose that the Commission adopt rules calling for automatic
>eligibility and enrollment for these programs whenever a person
>participates in federal assistance programs such as Medicaid, food stamps,
>Supplementary Security Income, public housing assistance and Section 8,
>LIHEAP, or the school lunch program.
>The FCC is expected to adopt rules making historic changes in universal
>service policy by early May. The Commission is also still seeking
>on verifying school and library eligibility for telecommunications
>To follow implementation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, see
>Benton's Telecom Act homepage at URL
>For updates on other communications regulation see URL
>Benton Foundation
>1634 Eye Street NW, 12th Floor
>Washington, DC 20006-4006
>phone: 202-638-5770
>fax: 202-638-5771