E-mail usage and growth statistics

Frank Maris (fm@i-m-r.com)
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 10:57:04 -0500

Here is an excerpt from the newsletter called Iconocast. They
recently published the following stats about email usage.
They gives permission to quote excerpts, so it should be all
right to post this for our members.

I find this to be the most eye opening of the expected projections:

- Nearly 50 percent of the U.S. population, or 135 million
people, will communicate via e-mail by 2001


* E-mail installed base:
- 15 percent of the U.S. population [about 30 million
adults 16+] use e-mail, up from 2 percent in 1992
(1997 http://www.forrester.com).
- 12.8 million U.S. households have adults who use e-mail
from home (http://www.findsvp.com).
- Eleven million of the market's 36 million business users
use e-mail software (1997 http://www.idcresearch.com).

* E-mail usage:
- E-mail is the most popular online activity: 75 percent
used e-mail in the past month reports IntelliQuest
- 53 percent used the Internet for e-mail during their
last session (http://www.nielsenmedia.com).
- 41 percent report using e-mail daily, while another
27 percent use it at least weekly

* E-mail growth/forecast:
- E-mail users grew at a rate of 727 percent compared to
46 percent for the total market in 1996
(1997 www.idcresearch.com).
- Nearly 50 percent of the U.S. population, or 135 million
people, will communicate via e-mail by 2001
(1997 http://www.forrester.com).
- The 1997 Computer Industry Almanac predicts that the
number of people with Internet e-mail access worldwide
will grow 800 percent to 450 million in the next three
years, up from 60 million today.

(c) 1997 ICONOCAST


To subscribe to Iconocast, you can send a message to
majordomo@iconocast.com with the following command in the
BODY of your message:
subscribe iconocast


Frank Maris

--------- Internet Marketing & Research,Inc. ----------

Frank Maris http://www.i-m-r.com
fm@i-m-r.com http://www.teen-net.com
(914)666-9800 http://www.countynet.com

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