I find this to be the most eye opening of the expected projections:
- Nearly 50 percent of the U.S. population, or 135 million
people, will communicate via e-mail by 2001
* E-mail installed base:
- 15 percent of the U.S. population [about 30 million
adults 16+] use e-mail, up from 2 percent in 1992
(1997 http://www.forrester.com).
- 12.8 million U.S. households have adults who use e-mail
from home (http://www.findsvp.com).
- Eleven million of the market's 36 million business users
use e-mail software (1997 http://www.idcresearch.com).
* E-mail usage:
- E-mail is the most popular online activity: 75 percent
used e-mail in the past month reports IntelliQuest
- 53 percent used the Internet for e-mail during their
last session (http://www.nielsenmedia.com).
- 41 percent report using e-mail daily, while another
27 percent use it at least weekly
* E-mail growth/forecast:
- E-mail users grew at a rate of 727 percent compared to
46 percent for the total market in 1996
(1997 www.idcresearch.com).
- Nearly 50 percent of the U.S. population, or 135 million
people, will communicate via e-mail by 2001
(1997 http://www.forrester.com).
- The 1997 Computer Industry Almanac predicts that the
number of people with Internet e-mail access worldwide
will grow 800 percent to 450 million in the next three
years, up from 60 million today.
(c) 1997 ICONOCAST
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Frank Maris
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