Election Day. I decided to teach my 4-year old daughter about government,
the democratic process, and the election. So we had a long talk about it,
and then I took her to the polls so she could watch people exercize their
power under the democratic system.
She sat there for a while, quietly observing. People were lining up for
the voting booth. Voter walks in, curtains close, curtains open, voter
walks out, voter walks in, curtains close, custains open, voter walks out,
After quite a while she had seen enough. Let's go home.
"So, what did you learn today?", I asked.
"Elections are like a puppet show."
Sometimes kids have the deepest insight into the political process.
-- Selected by Jim Griffith. MAIL your joke to funny@clari.net.Fight the communications decency act. We've filed suit to stop it. See http://www.clari.net/suitpage.html
-- Bill Langham Hemaskus Information Management Rye, NY Services blangham@westnet.comThe path I follow I can hardly see. In Rain, Wendell Berry I tooted my horn for th' passing lane. Maybelline, Chuck Berry