Re: Health Care Project

Diana D. Juettner (
Fri, 27 Sep 1996 05:00:30 -0700

You wrote:
>As you all know, we've had great success with Irene Herz's League of =
>Women Voters Web page. We have another similar project almost
completed =
>for Westchester Kids.
>Continuing in that direction, at our last meeting, we decided to look
>into doing something similar for health care facilities in the county.
>So, we're asking: anyone want to take on responsibility for pulling =
>together a Westchester Health site?
>Norm Jacknis
Dear Norm,

A few years ago, I was involved in a health care committee with Tom
Greene at Dobbs Ferry Hospital. Perhaps he can help us do this. Watpa
is doing great things. Keep up the good work. What do you think?

P.S. Thank you for all the legal web sites.>