I was graciously added to your E-Mail distribution list when I contacted WATPA
following an Internet search on Public Access and TCI Cablevision.
I have found several submissions: your by-laws, articles on legislative
initiatives such as today's distribution on Internet secrecy legislation
(Anyone else see the delicious irony in this juxtoposition? At least you are
being consistent!)to be both thought provoking and helpful as we try to
establish a citizens Public Access (Cable and Internet) Forum "East of the
River" in Connecticut.
While I view WATPA as a real information public service for "outsiders", I can
understand that some of your members may feel constrained and restrained as they
compose their enlightend discourse.
I will close with two thoughts:
1) Knowing that our thoughts may be accessed by strangers should encourage both
comity and probity in our comments and behavior.
2) The loss of access to rambling screeds like this one would not be a serious
intellectual deprivation. HOWEVER, if you could provide continuing access to
articles and "position papers" on topics of general interest to the public
access communications community, you would be providing a real public service
while conforming to what, I thought, was a basic principle of WATPA.
Thank you for allowing an outsider to "unload" on this subject. I will
close now so that I can don my asbestos suit.