WATPA BYLAWS (Proposed Model)
I am a member of the Fairfield County Chapter of the Special
Libraries Association. This group uses an Executive
Board/Committee organization that serves us well. The
following articles are excerpted from our bylaws. I like the
idea of Executive Board positions for the immediate past
president and the "president elect" as such a scheme seems to
assure some organizational continuity.
Section 1. There shall be an Executive Board that shall have
the power and authority to manage the (org's) property and to
regulate and govern its affairs. The Board shall determine
policies and changes therein within the limits of the Bylaws
of [WATPA] and shall take such actions as it considers
necessary to carry out the objectives of [WATPA], and shall
perform such other functions as the membership may direct.
Section 2. The Board shall consist of six members elected by
the membership: The president, the president-elect (vice-
president), secretary, treasurer, one director-at-large, and
the immediate past president. [All officers shall be members
in good standing of WATPA].
Section 3. The Board shall hold at least three meetings
annually and may hold additional meetings upon call of the
president or upon written request of any members of the Board.
Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4. A vacancy in the membership of the Executive
Board, except in the office of the president, shall be filled
by the majority vote of the remaining members of the Board,
this Board-elected member to serve until the next annual
Section 5. The term of office of all members of the Executive
Board shall be one year. All members of the Executive Board
shall serve until their successors are elected and assume
their duties. Their term of office shall commence at the
adjournment of the Annual Business Meeting, or if there is no
annual Business Meeting, on the 1st day of the month following
the election.
Section 1. The President...shall be a member ex-officio of
all committees except the Nominating Committee...
Section 2. The president-elect shall assist the president in
the performance of duties of the presidency; and in the event
of absence or withdrawal of the president, shall assume all
duties and obligations of the president; and shall be
responsible for arranging programs [for meetings of the
Section 3. Secretary...
Section 4. Treasurer...
Section 5. Director-at-large shall be a member of the
Executive Board and shall from time-to-time undertake such
special projects as the president may assign.
Section 6. The immediate past president shall be a member of
the Executive Board; shall convey to the president information
concerning past policies and customs, relationships,
deliberations, and history (of WATPA); and shall carry out
such duties as the president may assign.
Section 1. Standing and special committees shall be
established by the Executive Board for the purpose of
delegating such powers and functions as the Board finds
desirable for the conduct of its business and for carrying out
the objectives of the organization.
Section 2. The president shall appoint the chairperson of all
committees except the Nominating Committee. The president or
chairperson shall designate the members of committees. Unless
otherwise specified by the Executive Board, members of
standing committees shall be considered discharged at the end
of the organization's business year.
Section 3. Committee chairpersons may participate in meetings
of the Executive Board but shall not have the right to vote.
Section 4. Each committee shall submit to the Executive Board
a written report of its activities throughout the year,
together with any recommendations considered necessary or
advisable. Additional reports may be submitted by a committee
or requested by the Board or the president.
Section 5. Funds for committee expenses shall be authorized
by the Executive Board.
Section 1. A Nominating Committee for each election of
members to the Executive Board shall be appointed by the Board
no later than three months prior to the Annual Business
Meeting. This committee shall be composed of three members,
no one of whom shall be a member of the Board, but one of whom
shall be a former officer.
Section 2. Each year the Nominating Committee shall present
a list of nominees - one candidate for each position to be
filled. At a time specified by the Executive Board, but at
least two months prior to the annual meeting, the list of
nominees shall be reported to the Board for information. The
committee shall obtain the written acceptance of each nominee
prior to the submission of its report.
Section 3. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be
read at a general membership meeting. Additional names may be
placed in nomination at this time, provided acceptance by the
nominee is assured. The final report of the Nominating
Committee shall be included in the notice of the annual
business meeting, and shall be presented for approval by the
membership at the annual business meeting.
Section 4. If the slate includes more than one candidate for
any office, election shall be by secret ballot, mailed to each
member ten days before the annual business meeting. The
candidate who received the largest number of votes for any
office shall be elected. In the event of a tie, election
shall be by a majority vote of the members present at the
annual business meeting.
[Or electronically or by such other method selected by the