Re: By Laws For WATPA
Warren J. Sirota (
30 Jul 96 12:47:47 EDT
It is time we got back to adopting by-laws for WATPA. Overall, I think the
draft submitted by Norm is fine. My only suggestion relates to the number of
vice-chair (VC) positions, and my comment is two-fold. First, seven seems like
a big number for WATPA at its current size, in terms of paid members. It seems
like a lot of chiefs, especially since the number of VCs is not related to
specific portfolios. One suggestion is that the by-laws do not specify a number
of vice-chairs, but gives the power to appoint vice-chairs based on portfolios
(e.g., web presence) established by WATPA to fulfill its goals. This would give
some flexibility to assign VCs as new projects arise, e.g., we get a grant. In
addition, there could be a stated number , such as two or three, of VC at-large,
without portfolio, as deemed necessary by the chair and/or membership. Another
possibility is to have the number of vice chairs determined by the paid
membership, e.g., one VC per seven (or ten) members.
These are suggestions, there may be better formulas, so anyone else have any