RE: WATPA / WLS Service Definition For Political Candidates

Norm Jacknis (
Thu, 2 May 1996 01:43:26 -0400

For those of you coming into the middle of this discussion, it is about =
the possibility of the WATPA/WLS Community information pages becoming =
available to political candidates. I think this is a policy issue of =
general interest to the organization, which is why I am posting my =
opinion on the WATPA discussion list.

At the start, I should add that I may feel a little more passionately =
about this than many of you, as I have been involved in campaign finance =
reform for a long time.

However, Warren Sirota took the words out of my mouth, when he =
previously responded that:
>There is a larger issue, especially in this, a presidential election =
year. >And that is free access to electronic media, for the candidates =
from all >sides in an election, to have a no-charge forum to objectively =
air their >positions together. It is something the TV broadcast =
industry has fought >for years...Our Corner can be open to all =
candidates in a
>local election to state their case: "Vote for me because..." in 2kbytes =
or >less.

There are other possible ways of doing this than the specific one Warren =
proposes. And, as Bill Langham suggested, we may want to do this in =
conjunction with the League of Women Voters -- perhaps an electronic =
voter's guide. However, I think that we should certainly think about =
doing it. =20

As much as many of us may be unhappy with one or other (or many) =
politicians, they do hold important positions in the community and =
information about their views/talents is worthwhile information for the =
community. I might add that though they are not non-profit =
organizations in the eyes of the IRS, candidate's organization are in =
reality non-profit (or at least supposed to be according to the law).

I would welcome a discussion of this issue.

Norm Jacknis