Community Entry
A1. TITLE OF ENTRY (8 word maximum) Please provide a
descriptive name for your Entry. A1:
WATPA/WLS Westchester PathMaster(TM)
Westchester PathMaster(TM) provides, without charge, a World
Wide Web Gateway to Westchester County's non-profit
-- end of response -- do not remove this line --
A2. KEYWORDS Please check all the keywords that apply to your
Entry. A2:
[ ] Physical community
[ ] Virtual community
[x] Combines physical and virtual community
[x] Internet/WWW
[ ] Broadband
[x] Other (please separate words or phrases with commas):
Non-profit, public access, community information, community
services, WWW access, volunteer effort
-- end of response -- do not remove --
A3. NAME OF ENTRANT - Name of individual(s), company(ies) or
organization(s) submitting the Entry A3:
Westchester Alliance for Telecommunications and Public Access
(WATPA), Westchester Library System (WLS)
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
A4. - A.18 CONTACT PERSON - The person who will be the primary
contact for this project for the NII Awards and Judges:
A4. Salutation: Dr.
A5. First Name: Norman
A6. Last Name: Jacknis
A7. Title: President
A8. Organization: Westchester Alliance for Telecommunications
and Public Access (WATPA)
A9. E-mail (Direct): njacknis@ix.netcom.com
A10. E-mail (for publication on Awards Website):
A11. Phone: 914 592-8214
A12. Fax:
A13. Room/Mailstop:
A14. Address: WATPA @ Westchester Library System
8 Westchester Plaza
A15. City: Elmsford
A16. State/Province: NY
A17. Zip/Postal Code: 10523
A18. Country: USA
A19. CONTACT RELATIONSHIP TO ENTRY (25 word maximum) Contact
person's relationship to and role in the Entry. A19:
WATPA Founder and President. Critical leader, organizer, prime
mover dedicated to ensuring that NII implementation in
Westchester County embraces the entire community - business,
public, educational.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
A20. The WEB ADDRESS associated with this Entry, if any. A20:
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
A21. How did you hear about the NII Awards? (select only one):
( ) Advertisement
( ) Article/News story
( ) Web site ad or link
(x) Newsgroup/listserv posting
( ) Other NII Awards Entrant
( ) NII Awards Sponsor
( ) NII Awards Judge
( ) Friend or Colleague
( ) Not sure
( ) Other
A22. Did you enter the NII Awards in 1995?
( ) yes
(x) no
A23. Are you submitting OPTIONAL VIDEO in support of your
( ) yes
(x) no
A24. I will be sending an OPTIONAL DIGITAL IMAGE for my Entry:
( ) yes
(x) no
A25. I would like to participate in the early entry prize
drawings (Enter by April 17 to be eligible):
( ) yes
(x) no
Community Entry
B1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION (100 word maximum) Provide a summary
description of your project. B1:
Westchester PathMaster(TM) provides Westchester County with a
FREE public/Internet accessible central site for the posting
of community information, services directories, and
establishes a new public space for the discussion of
contemporary issues effecting life in our community. With
technical assistance freely provided by WATPA members, Non-
profit Organizations are invited to create WWW homepages where
they may describe and promote themselves, list their programs,
activities, and calendars.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
B2. ONE-SENTENCE DESCRIPTION (25 word maximum) Provide a
one-sentence description of your project. B2:
Westchester PathMaster(TM) WWW-site created, managed and
sponsored by WATPA, hosted on Westchester Library System's
server, provides Westchester County a broad-based
informational warehouse.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
B3. OPTIMUM REVIEW METHOD (25 word maximum) Describe how your
project could best be reviewed (e.g., electronic access, video
documentation). B3:
Browse our Website, Westchester PathMaster(TM),
URL: http://www.wls.lib.ny.us/watpa/index.html
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
B4. BACKGROUND (300 word maximum) Tell the story of how your
project came about (you may include partners, sponsors, the
team, how you were funded, etc.). B4:
Westchester Alliance for Telecommunications & Public Access
(WATPA) is a three year-old not-for-profit community
membership organization. WATPA's mission is to provide the
citizens, government, educational, and business organizations
of Westchester with objective advice, knowledge, and expertise
on emerging telecommunications, information "highways,"
technology and related services in Westchester. WATPA seeks
to find ways of accelerating the growth of inter-connected
networks within the county and to assure the general public's
access to those networks, regardless of where they live, their
social or economic circumstances. PathMaster(TM) reflects the
idea of creating a community information warehouse included in
our original Mission Statement and expressed in varying forms,
such as a bulletin board system, preceding widespread Internet
use and explosive World Wide Web growth.
When the Westchester Library System acquired a powerful, new
server on the Internet, WATPA's chair (who became a library
system trustee) suggested that one good use for the server was
community information. He offered the volunteer services of
WATPA to ensure that this offer would become a reality. Then,
WATPA and WLS together started a Web page for community
information, later named Westchester PathMaster(TM) in
recognition of those historical builders and maintainers of
public thoroughfares and proponents of access.
Westchester PathMaster(TM) represents attainment of a WATPA
goal, providing a readily accessible site for the
dissemination of community information. The Westchester
PathMaster(TM) site has grown in its first three months from
four simple text-based homepages to three dozen links and
pages, covering a broad spectrum of community information.
Creation of this service may be attributed to the dedication
of our volunteer community-oriented membership and our ability
to provide the technical expertise, without charge, to create
the site and to actively recruit content providers, assisting
them when necessary, also without charge, in homepage
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
B5. HIGHLIGHTS (100 word maximum) What aspects of your project
should judges pay closest attention to? B5:
Our project was accomplished without incurring significant
expenditure by an independent grass roots group, unaffiliated
with any commercial venture or organization. WATPA brings
together a multi-talented group of individuals who give freely
of their time and expertise, embrace and advocate responsible
use of telecommunications by all strata of our community.
This project demonstrates the use of the Internet to offer
information not normally available or accessible in more
conventional, centralized media - Westchester, population of
nearly 900,000, is overshadowed by New York City media and
many of its residents are thus unaware of what is going on in
their own county.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
B6. OBJECTIVES (100 word maximum) What are the key objectives
or your project? Specifically,what need(s) was it created to
address? B6:
Our key objective was to provide the many community
organizations that contribute to the quality of life in our
county with the means to take advantage of the benefits
afforded by the Internet. These organizations provide the
services that enhance our community and make it an attractive
place to work, live and learn. Many are small, volunteer
organizations, often lacking the technical expertise to
utilize the Internet. By providing World Wide Web access for
these organizations, WATPA created a central place where any
one with Internet access could find information on these
community groups.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
B7. RESULTS, BENEFITS (300 word maximum) Describe the results
or outcomes actually achieved by your project. What benefits
have been realized by you and/or your users? Be as specific as
possible in the context of the Community Category Definition.
In little more than three months from the start of this
project, we have established links or pages for three dozen
local organizations. We have dozens more who have contacted
us or are preparing to deal with the presentation of their
services on the World Wide Web. Our service has been
publicized in the region's print and community cable
television media.
Westchester PathMaster(TM) has become the focal point for such
information within the county and so has become the place for
umbrella organizations, such as the United Way, the League of
Women Voters, and the Westchester Arts Council, to reside.
The practical uses of the information provided cover a wide
range from those seeking to learn of schedules at a local
performing arts center to parents deciding what is the best
choice of activities at a local nature center. Some of the
uses have, of course, gone beyond the usual provision of
information. [See User Feedback, below.]
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
B8. MEASUREMENT (75 word maximum) How were the results,
benefits and outcomes described above measured? B8:
Though still in its infancy, measurable benefits and results
are reflected in the number of participating organizations,
number of organizations that were motivated to continue the
development of their Web pages after initial implementation,
number of larger, umbrella organizations that were motivated
to partner with their smaller constituents to promote Web page
development, and the rapidly increasing number of inquiries
received about the service.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
B9. INNOVATION (200 word maximum) Describe the way(s) in which
your project is innovative. What makes it unique? B9:
By partnering with the Westchester Library System and
utilizing its server, WATPA was able to avoid significant
hardware costs, complement the WLS role as information
storehouse for our county's diverse population and expand the
WLS role as information provider by creating an inexpensive
means for our non-profit community to access and enter the
realm of online telecommunications.
Additionally, our partnership with the Westchester Library
System enabled Westchester PathMaster(TM) to capitalize on
existing WLS administrative structure for services such as
public relations, information reproduction and distribution,
including on-line access to and visibility at 38 community
libraries and numerous school and college libraries in the
We also believe this project has been innovative in its use of
the Internet as a primary and central means of providing
detailed community information to a large, populated county.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
B10. SUCCESS FACTORS (100 word maximum) What do you attribute
your success(es) to? B10:
WATPA consists of a cadre of committed volunteers with strong
interest in Internet advocacy and the technical skills
necessary to create and maintain the site, recruit and assist
content providers in preparing their homepages.
The Westchester Library System has well developed technical
and administrative structure, including the availability of an
Internet server. Their willingness to work with WATPA in
supporting creation of Westchester PathMaster(TM) is a crucial
element in the success of the project.
The Westchester Library System imprimatur enabled WATPA to
contact and capitalize on other county-based organizations'
abilities to spread the word about this new service.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
B11. FUTURE PLANS (100 word maximum) What are your plans for
expanding your project? How will it evolve as the capabilities
of the information infrastructure grow? B11:
Westchester PathMaster(TM) plans to expand its content to
include local government homepages. Inherent in these plans is
the creation of a virtual "Public Square" where community
members may speak out on local issues and engage local
officials in meaningful public policy discussions. Also
anticipated is cost-effective access to vital public
information (records, minutes, agendas, etc.) at all levels of
government and a practical approach to disseminate necessary
news (such as school closings).
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
Community Entry
C1. DATE OF FIRST USE - Month and year when people first began
using the project (mm/yy). C1:
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
C2. # USERS - Approximate number of people actually
using/interacting with the project on a per-month basis
(select one only).
( ) 2-100
( ) 101-1000
(x) 1,001-5,000
( ) 5,001-50,000
( ) 50,001-100,000
( ) 100,001 +
As with other Web statistics, it is difficult to measure
precisely the number of individual users per month. Our rough
estimate is in the range a few hundred to a couple of
C3. USER PROFILE (50 word maximum) Describe who your users are
and where they are located. C3:
Our users are primarily county residents with Internet access
from their homes, offices, schools or via publicly accessible
Internet terminals at the 38 public libraries comprising the
Westchester Library System.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
C4. What approximate percentage of your targeted users are
internal to your organization (e.g., employees, customers,
members) versus people outside your organization? (select only
( ) 100% of users are inside the organization
( ) 90% inside, 10% outside
( ) 75% inside, 25% outside
( ) 50% inside, 50% outside
( ) 25% inside, 75% outside
( ) 10% inside, 90% outside
(x) 100% of users are outside the organization
C5. Who are the TARGETED USERS of your project? (check all
that apply):
[x] Children
[x] Young adults
[x] Adults as consumers/citizens
[x] Adults as workers/employees
[x] Senior Citizens
[x] Females
[x] Males
[x] Other - The targeted users include all residents and
people with an interest in Westchester County, New York.
C6. FREQUENCY. How often does your typical user use your
project? (select one)
( ) Several times per day
( ) Daily
( ) Several times per week
( ) Weekly
(x) Several times per month
( ) Monthly
( ) Several times per year
( ) Yearly
( ) Once or a few times only (event)
C7. FUNCTIONALITY & USAGE (250 word maximum) How does your
project work? How and do users use it or participate in it and
what do they do? C7:
General community users just access the Westchester
PathMaster(TM) web site from any Internet access provider and
then go into whatever area interests them.
Candidate/client non-profit organizations contact us
personally, by phone or email. WATPA follows up with a
package explaining the nature of the service and a simple
agreement between WATPA and the non-profit organization. The
non-profit organization then returns the agreement and sends
its information in printed or computer-readable form. The
organization may then work with one or more WATPA volunteers
to develop its presentation for the World Wide Web. For most
organizations, the actual coding of the pages is completed by
WATPA volunteers. Some organizations have their members work
on the coding and these people are given special access to
update the information.
Westchester PathMaster(TM) home page points to further
information describing WATPA's Web Support Services for
non-profit organizations:
* WATPA Web Support: WATPA is prepared to assist
Westchester-based non-profit organizations, at no cost, to
begin using the Web to communicate what they do to the world
on the Internet.
* Organization Page: WATPA will help develop and maintain a
single page for each Westchester-based non-profit organization
within the WATPA site. WATPA will also maintain an active
'hypertext' link to additional information related to the
* Web Page Guidance: WATPA will assist any Westchester-based
organization to locate local commercial resources to help them
develop a Web site of their own.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
C8. USER FEEDBACK (OPTIONAL; 250 word maximum) What positive
feedback have you received from your users? You may include
quotes, stories, anecdotes, etc. C8:
1) Our Webmaster received the following email from a user:
From: Lidia LoPinto
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 1996 3:47 PM
To: 'naripat@westnet.com'
Hi Patrick, here is a new non-profit link for you:
http://www.caeconsultants.com/yonkers.htm, the new site for
Yonkers Historical Society.
Great job with your pages. I am impressed to find the Internet
at our library.
2) Two WATPA members created one of our first non-profit
homepages for a local church:
Shortly after we put up our Church's home page, listing my
e-mail address as our official mailbox, I got a phone call
from our minister. He was attempting to use e-mail for the
first time. Could I help him?
The next day, I got an e-mail from our minister which began:
"Following up on your [husband's] questioning of the term
"true religion..." Two days later, my husband e-mailed a long
and carefully thought out response. The next Sunday the
minister read the e-mail notes to the congregation, using
their content as the subject of his sermon.
3) Our Page for public discussion of current issues includes
reference to the Communications Decency Act of 1996 under the
banner "Why WATPA Wears a Blue Ribbon." A visitor sent the
following post to the author:
>Bravo! I couldn't agree more. I think you've written a very
thoughtfully crafted and compelling piece. I learned a lot!
[...] If this kind of rigorous, challenging perspective is
what WATPA is all about I want to be plugged into it.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
C9. GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS The primary geographic focus of your
project is (select one):
(x) Regional/local
( ) National
( ) Global
Community Entry
D1. INFRASTRUCTURE (250 word maximum) Describe the
technological infrastructure used for delivery of and access
to your project, the number of places that are connected and
how they're connected. D1:
The primary means for the general public to access the project
is through all Internet/WWW access providers. In addition,
through its 38 constituent libraries around the county, the
Westchester Library System provides public access, Internet
"terminals" (actually PCs) connected to the main server via a
frame relay network.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
D2. What are the primary network services on which your
project is hosted?
[ ] Dial-up Telephone Service
[x] Internet (other than WWW)
[x] World Wide Web
[ ] Commercial Online Service
[ ] Private Network
[ ] ISDN
[ ] X.25
[x] Frame relay
[ ] ATM
[ ] Cable
[ ] Cellular or other wireless
[ ] Interactive Television
[ ] Other
D3. DEVELOPMENT BUDGET (for internal use only) What was the
approximate budget (in US$) to create your project (including
content, technology and people)? (select one)
( ) less than $10,000
( ) $10,000 - $100,000
( ) $100,001 - $500,000
(x) $500,001 - $1M
( ) $1MM - $5MM
( ) greater than $5MM
The greatest value in the project were services of the
individual WATPA members. We have not attempted to quantify
this number.
Additionally, the Westchester Library System made a
substantial investment as part of the 'make-ready' expense for
the project. Well in excess of $500,000 was spent to install
a frame-relay telecommunications network, and to purchase (so
far) about 120 GUI (multimedia PC) terminals. One of the main
reasons for the implementation of the new WLS frame-relay
network was to be able to provide, through its partnership
with WATPA, WWW/Internet access to information about
Westchester County's community organizations.
D4. MAINTENANCE BUDGET (for internal use only) What is the
approximate annual budget (in US$) to maintain your project
(including content, technology and people)? (select one)
( ) less than $10,000
(x) $10,000 - $100,000
( ) $100,001 - $500,000
( ) $500,001 - $1M
( ) $1MM - $5MM
( ) greater than $5MM
D5. REVENUE Does your project generate revenue directly?
(check all that apply). D5:
[x] No
[ ] Yes, through one-time fees
[ ] Yes, through monthly fees or usage-based fees
[ ] Yes, through sale of products/services
[ ] Yes, through advertising
[ ] Yes, other (please separate words or phrases with commas):
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
Community Entry
E1. BARRIERS (OPTIONAL; 200 word maximum) Were there major
barriers or challenges to implementing your project or to
achieving acceptance of it? If so, what were they and how were
they overcome? E1:
(1) There was a need to have a server connected by a high
speed line to the Internet. As WATPA has no financial
resources itself to obtain this, it was necessary to join
forces with the library system.
(2) There have been several tentative, but usually
foreshortened, attempts at providing some of the same kind of
information. Westchester PathMaster(TM) has succeeded by
linking to any information about Westchester County (thereby
avoiding taking a competitive position with respect to other
services). The breadth, openness and free price of
Westchester PathMaster(TM) has helped make it the central
point for information about non-profit community activities.
(3) Many non-profit groups are still technologically
unsophisticated and unaware of the potential of the Internet
and the NII. While we have not overcome all of this, we have
been able to help a number of groups through direct contact
and technical assistance of WATPA volunteers.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
E2. ADVICE (optional; 200 word maximum) What advice can you
offer to other people and organizations that would seek to
follow your example? What should they do to maximize their
chances for success? E2:
...Put your response here + delete this line if you choose to
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
E3-5. WISH LIST (OPTIONAL; your Wish List will be published on
the NII Awards Web site in an effort to connect you with the
resources you desire). In order to more fully realize your
project's goals, do you need additional:
E3. FUNDING? (optional) If so, please describe your needs. E3:
Yes. We can foresee the point where the demand for our
services will outstrip the volunteer resources we have
available -- particularly as we find ourselves not just
providing technical support and Web pages, but detailed
education about the Internet to the dozens of community groups
which could benefit from it. Also, as technology changes (for
example, Java), there is a need for additional software and
other tools.
Thus, we expect in the not-to-distant future to need some form
of funding.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
E4. TECHNOLOGY/TOOLS? (optional) If so, please describe your
needs. E4:
...Put your response here + delete this line if you choose to
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
E5. PEOPLE/EXPERTISE? (optional) If so, please describe your
needs. E5:
...Put your response here + delete this line if you choose to
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
E6. FEEDBACK TO AWARDS (OPTIONAL; for internal use only)
Please provide feedback and/or suggested improvements to the
NII Awards program, including questions you feel we should or
should not have asked. E7:
...Put your response here + delete this line if you choose to
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
Community Entry (The primary use of the information in this
section will be as input to a study being produced by IDC. As
a benefit of entering, you will receive a copy of the
Executive Summary of the study. This information will not be
used for judging purposes.)
F1. Which of the following best describes the ENTRANT'S
SECTOR/INDUSTRY?(check all that apply). F1:
[ ] Information Services
[ ] General Services (e.g., consulting)
[ ] Arts
[ ] Entertainment
[ ] Media/Press/PR
[ ] Manufacturing - Information Technology
[ ] Manufacturing - non IT
[ ] Retail/Wholesale
[ ] Small Business
[ ] Individual/entrepreneur
[ ] Medical/Health Care
[ ] Federal/National government
[ ] State/Local government
[ ] Banking/Finance/Insurance
[ ] Telecommunications
[ ] Pre K-12 School
[ ] University
[x] Non-profit organization
[x] Library
[ ] Other (please separate words or phrases with commas):
...Put your "other" descriptor(s) here + delete this line...
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
F2. What FUNCTIONAL AREAS of your company/organization does
your project directly involve? (check all that apply):
[x] Delivering service to customers/citizens
[ ] Human resources
[ ] Marketing/sales
[ ] Order entry/tracking
[ ] Accounting/finance
[ ] Manufacturing
[ ] Research, design, development
[ ] Other
F3. What do you consider to be the PRIMARY OBSTACLES to the
growth and adoption of your project? (for internal use only,
check up to 3). F3:
[ ] No obstacles
[ ] Cost of user access
[ ] Ease of access, ease of use
[ ] Security of transactions
[ ] User privacy concerns
[ ] Your funding
[ ] Lack of payment mechanisms
[ ] Censorship
[ ] Public policy
[ ] Intellectual Property law
[ ] Bandwidth cost
[ ] Bandwidth availability
[x] User awareness of your application or service
[x] Other (please specify, separate words or phrases with
The most significant obstacle to growth and adoption has been
the relative ignorance of many non-profit organizations about
the Internet and the growing use of the World Wide Web as a
communications medium.
-- end of response -- do not remove this line--
F4. What is the primary metric you use for monitoring the
INTERNAL USE of your project? (for internal use only, select
( ) Number of users
( ) Frequency of use
( ) Number of transactions
( ) Reduced number of telephone/fax/other inquiries
(x) Other Not Applicable
F5. What is the primary metric you use for monitoring the
EXTERNAL USE of your project? (for internal use only select
( ) Not Applicable
(x) Number of users
(x) Frequency of use
( ) Number of transactions of any kind
( ) Revenues from orders taken
( ) Reduced number of telephone/fax/other inquiries
( ) Number of orders taken
(x) Other - Number of participating organizations.
F6. At what ACCESS SPEED(s) do your users directly access your
project? (check all that apply):
[x] 9600 bps or less
[x] 14.4 Kbps
[x] 28.8 Kbps
[ ] 56K/64K
[ ] 112K/128K
[ ] 1.5Mbps (T1/E1)
[ ] 1.5Mbps-45Mbps (up to T3/E3)
[ ] greater than 45Mbps (greater than T3)
F7. What COLLABORATIVE TOOLS are used in your project? (check
all that apply):
[x] Not applicable
[ ] Desktop videoconferencing
[ ] Other videoconferencing
[ ] Shared documents
[ ] Groupware (e.g., Lotus Notes)
[ ] Chat
[ ] Electronic whiteboard
[ ] Multimedia e-mail
[ ] Other
F8. Do you CHARGE FOR ACCESS to your project? (check all that
[x] No
[ ] Yes, a one-time setup fee
[ ] Yes, a fixed monthly fee
[ ] Yes, a usage-based fee
[ ] Yes, a per-transaction fee
[ ] Yes, other
F9. What hardware is currently used for your project's
Internet/Web Servers? (for internal use only, check all that
[ ] Not applicable
[ ] 286/386 PC
[ ] 486 PC
[ ] Pentium-based PC
[ ] Macintosh 030/040
[ ] Macintosh PowerPC
[x] UNIX System
[x] Other workstation or midrange system
[x] Mainframe
[ ] Don't know
[ ] Other
F10. What hardware do you plan to use for your project's
Internet/Web servers in the next six months? (for internal use
only, check all that apply):
[ ] Not applicable
[ ] 286/386 PC
[ ] 486 PC
[ ] Pentium-based PC
[ ] Macintosh 030/040
[ ] Macintosh PowerPC
[ ] UNIX System
[ ] Other workstation or midrange system
[ ] Mainframe
[x] Don't know
[ ] Other
F11. What is the primary Web server software currently used
for your project? (for internal use only, check one):
( ) Not applicable
( ) Netscape
( ) NCSA (Win HTTP)
( ) WebStar (Mac HTTP)
( ) CERN
( ) Apache
( ) Open Market
( ) Website
( ) Purveyor
(x) Don't know
( ) Other
F12. What Web server software do you plan to use in the next
six months? (for internal use only; check any that apply):
[ ] Not applicable
[ ] Netscape
[ ] NCSA (Win HTTP)
[ ] WebStar (Mac HTTP)
[ ] CERN
[ ] Apache
[ ] Open Market
[ ] Website
[ ] Purveyor
[x] Don't know
[ ] Other
F13. Does your project currently make use of any of these
tools? (for internal use only; check any that apply):
[ ] Internet voice telephony tools;
[ ] Internet broadcast audio tools
[ ] Internet broadcast video tools
[ ] Internet 3D tools
[ ] Java
[ ] Shockwave
[ ] Visual Basic
[ ] Other Internet multimedia/application tools
[x] None/Don't know
F14. Do you plan to make use of any of these tools in the next
six months? (for internal use only; check any that apply):
[ ] Internet voice telephony tools;
[ ] Internet broadcast audio tools
[ ] Internet broadcast video tools
[ ] Internet 3D tools
[ ] Java
[ ] Shockwave
[ ] Visual Basic
[ ] Other Internet multimedia/application tools
[x] None/Don't know
Thank you for completing your Entry! To submit your entry send
this entire, completed form as email to
submitentry@gii-awards.com. Complete instructions are at the
top of this original message and are available by sending
email to howto@gii-awards.com.
Questions? email staff@gii-awards.com