If you've already seen it, kindly forgive the duplication.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
First they came for the hackers.
But I never did anything illegal with my computer,
so I didn't speak up.
Then they came for the pornographers.
But I thought there was too much smut on the Internet anyway,
so I didn't speak up.
Then they came for the anonymous remailers.
But a lot of nasty stuff gets sent from anon.penet.fi,
so I didn't speak up.
Then they came for the encryption users.
But I could never figure out how to work PGP anyway,
so I didn't speak up.
Then they came for me.
And by that time there was no one left to speak up.
-- Unknown --
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"I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places..."
Maurice J. Freedman
Westchester Library System
8 Westchester Plaza
Elmsford, NY 10523
Voice: (914) 592-8214 x223 FAX: (914) 347-3617
e-mail: freedman@wls.lib.ny.us
Web Site: http://www.wls.lib.ny.us