> Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1996 07:27:14 -0800
> From: Diana D. Juettner <ddjteach@ix.netcom.com>
> To: watpa@westnet.com
> Subject: re: Should WATPA wear a Blue Ribbon
Its is a very simple matter for individuals to join the CIEC action from
their website. I haven't checked in a couple of days but the number of
plaimtiffs exceeded 10,000. I'm unsure how we as an organization would
join. Additionally, the "closing" date is Mar 15th, a week before the
next WATPA meeting (Mar 21), when it the matter should be further
discussed and some consensus determined.
In the meantime, I would suggest that those interested sign on directly
before the 15th.
I can't recall whether I forwarded a recent Policy Post from CIEC
decsribing the process but I'll check and post/repost contact info.
>From CDA96-L recently;
I'm repeating details which y'all will have seen. Here is a place where
all subscribers to this list can join - thereby forming an effective
internet community. Think big - a one million person lawsuitagainst the CDA.
Lots of organizations joined with Amer. Library assoc to sue against the
Community Decency Act recently passed and signed into law.
The complaint emphasizes the negative impact of the CDA on both industry
and online users and is available at >http://www.cdt.org.
To find out how you can join the fight to protect free expression and the
future of the Internet, please visit the CIEC web page.
Individuals have until March 15 to join the CIEC. Unfortunately, due to
logistic issues and other considerations, requests to join the coalition by
email cannot be processed.
Here's another happy plaintiff !! I signed in yesterday pm as number
1302(approx). What if everybody signs in !! (well, at least 1 million net