> Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 17:47:27 -0800
> From: Norman Jacknis <njacknis@ix.netcom.com>
> To: watpa@westnet.com
> Cc: jrifkin@warwick.net, SALISBUR@gw.berryessa.k12.ca.us, FurnaceW@AOL.COM
> Subject: New York Times On The Web
> In case you haven't seen it, the New York Times is now on the World Wide Web. The URL
> is:
> http://www.nytimes.com
> Once you get there, you need to subscribe -- but it's free for the moment. You might
> want to take a look.
> It's a little strange to see the "old grey lady" on a computer screen. However, what
> you get is pretty much the text of the printed newspaper, including most articles I saw
> in the paper this morning. Although the Web pages have big GIFs and would seem to
> require a high speed modem, the accompanying articles are without the graphics which
> can be found in the newspaper.
This is good news. About 5 - 6 months ago I was surveyed by the NYT's
about their AOL area. I indicated that there wasn't much there for me -
I like to see all the articles, not just book reviews, etc. I wonder if
going forward, one will be able to search for articles, names, events,
etc...I'm not ready to cancel my subscription.