I will abide by the group's decision regarding 12/28, and have someone
from the WLS staff here if necessary should the group decide to meet.
mitch freedman
westchester library system
P.S. to Norm: Is there a way to get true *and* searches? I couldn't see
a way to get past the *or* searches? Going through every Mitch and every
Freedman to find all of the Mitch Freedman hits is what I want to be able
to do.
On Tue, 19 Dec 1995, Norman Jacknis wrote:
> As you know, the weather has shut WLS and cancelled our meeting for tonight,
> 12/19/95. However, we had some folks who were prepared to give us an
> entertaining presentation. So what do people think about meeting next Thursday,
> 12/28/95, usual time and place? If not that date, then I suggest waiting until
> our normal January meeting on the third Thursday of January.
> Thanks, Norm
> P.S. There's a really cool new search tool, http://altavista.digital.com/, on
> the Web. Among other things, most of you are found by it -- as a result of your
> participation in the WATPA list which is archived on WestNet. (Thanks again to
> Chris.) Try entering your own name and see what happens. Happy Holidays
> everyone!