Re: Community Info Web Page

David Rosenbaum (
Sun, 29 Oct 1995 17:35:53 -0800

I agree that improvement to the format of the Community Info Web Page
is important; my point was simply that something (crudely formatted) is
_far_ better than nothing.

The next question, of course, is what constitutes "well formatted."
Making access to the information accessible (not as redundant as it may
sound) is clearly important. Some of this may only evolve as the scope
of information expands and the categorization of it becomes apparent.
In some ways WATPA's Web Page will suffer initially from the
difficulties is designing access to data which is not yet identifiable.
Will it group as "government" vs. "cultural" vs. "services" (i.e.
train schedules), or will it fit better as "upcounty" vs. "midcounty"
vs. "downcounty"? Perhaps it needs to be accessible by date ("past"
vs. "present" vs. "future." Or most likely, by all of the above ...

I think that each of WATPA's members would now do well to continue
seeking out content for our Web Page, as well as giving some thought to
how the content could be formatted and accessible. No need yet for
specific solutions, more a need for brainstorming and continued ENERGY

--- Dave Rosenbaum

P.S. Sorry for sometimes appearing as and other
times as Both are me (I have a split
personality); one is via Eudora at work and the other is just Netcom at
home (I have to remember to copy Eudora to disk and bring it home) ...