FYI -- Second Life is one of the most active of a new generation of
Web-based social software. IBM has begun to treat these tools as a new
metaphor for business automation.
IBM opens sales center in Second Life
Sales avatars from IBM can work with client avatars up to the point of
signing contracts and exchanging money
By <> Jon Brodkin, Network
World, 05/15/07
<> IBM today is opening
a virtual business center at <> Second Life that
will be staffed by IBM sales representatives from around the world.
Clients who want to buy hardware, software or services, or get help solving
a business problem, can meet with a sales rep in the new IBM Business
Center, which can be accessed
<> here after 1 p.m.
Eastern time today.
"The IBM sales avatar [in Second Life] can work with the client avatar up to
the point of signing contracts and the passing of money or credit
information. That would be handled through a link to IBM's Web site or by
phone," IBM says in a press release.
"We seek to engage with clients in the way they prefer to engage," Lee
Dierdorff, vice president of Web strategy and enablement for IBM, said in a
conference call this morning. "This may be over the Web, this may be over
the telephone, and now it may be over a 3-D virtual world."
IBM sales reps will staff the virtual center during business hours in their
respective countries and will be able to speak the following languages:
English, Portuguese, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and French. Asian
languages will be supported later this year.
Visitors will be able to access a technical-support library that includes
guides known as <> IBM Redbooks and an IT
research publication called <>
Systems Journal. The IBM presence in Second Life also will include an
innovation center and conference center where IBM partners and others can
<> collaborate.
C Copyright 2007 Network World Inc.
Received on Wed May 16 21:06:02 2007
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