From: Norm Jacknis (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 21:56:51 EST
Riding the Rocket - INTERNET RISE IS METEORIC - The Internet broke the 60
percent penetration barrier in the U.S. faster than any other medium,
according to the U.S. Census Bureau in a Feb. 19 release. For example, some
35 percent of the U.S. population had phone use in 1920, but penetration
didn't reach 60 percent until 1950. With the Internet, a comparable increase
in usage only took two years. This chart outlines other increase:
Telephone - surpassed 60 percent in 30 years
Radio - surpassed 60 percent in 10 years
Television - surpassed 60 percent in 5 years
Cable TV - surpassed 60 percent in 27 years
VCR's - surpassed 60 percent in 10 years
Computers - surpassed 60 percent in 15 years
Internet - surpassed 60 percent in 2 years
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