From: William Langham (
Date: Sat Apr 15 2000 - 14:30:21 EDT
I hit a website today that I want to share. The site
( is a graphical depiction of a
United States Annual Report (1999). The author/compiler is Richard
Wurman, an Information Architect. Wurman has assembled a team of
graphics folks to present a wealth of information about the State of the
Union in a most unusual way.
The site is rich in information on subjects from children, health,
education, military spending, social security, wealth and poverty,
homelessness, the Internet, and Business and the Economy, including
I just spent about an hour on the site and found it fascinating.
Depending on your hardware, the site may best be viewed at work (or
wherever you have the greatest bandwidth).
Bill Langham
The book is $20 in hardcopy at either or amazon.con, 340 pages
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