WATPA: FW: RESOURCE: FreedomChannel.com

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From: Norman J. Jacknis (njacknis@ix.netcom.com)
Date: Fri Nov 26 1999 - 12:07:11 EST

FreedomChannel.com Introduces
First Video-on-Demand in American Politics
With Issues Messages from Presidential Campaigns

FreedomChannel.com, a new nonprofit, nonpartisan
Internet site provides voters free access to issue
videos from presidential candidates, political parties
and America's leading issue groups.

Over 50 specific issue messages are available on
FreedomChannel.com from the presidential candidates
alone including Vice-President Gore, Bill Bradley,
Senator McCain, Steve Forbes, Senator Hatch and

The site offers each candidate for President, the
parties and issue groups ninety seconds to make
their case on each specific issue, ranging from
health care to Social Security, from gun control to
moral values.

Bipartisan founders Doug Bailey and Roger Craver,
the team that also founded The Hotline political
briefing 12 years ago, said that the goal of
FreedomChannel.com was for voters to be able
=93to click on the candidates they want to hear from,
on the issues they want to hear about, all at times
of their own choosing.

Over two dozen political organizations and issue
groups all across the political spectrum -- including
both the Republican and Democratic parties -- also
have their 90-second issue videos on the
FreedomChannel.com site. Included are both the
NRA and Handgun Control, Inc. -- Empower America
and the Democratic Leadership Council -- the NFIB
and the NEA -- AARP, ACLU, Common Cause, the
National Taxpayers Union, the Sierra Club -- and
over a dozen more.

=93Every group is welcome, said Bailey. And
come January we will add all the candidates for
the Senate, the House and Governor.

The site has enthusiastic support from a star-studded
Advisory Council who have helped shape the rules
and guidelines for the cutting-edge site. Here is
what some of them have to say:

- Mike McCurry, former Press Secretary to President
Clinton: FreedomChannel.com is the voter's one
stop-shop for all the candidates and all the parties.

- Bill Paxon, former Chairman, National Republican
Congressional Committee: If you've seen
FreedomChannel.com, you've seen the future.

- Ann Richards, former Governor of Texas: This is
sort of like becoming your own TV producer. You
decide who you want to see, and on what, and when.

- Trevor Potter, former Chairman, Federal Elections
Commission: The Freedom Channel is its own form
of campaign finance reform; it provides all candidates
with equal access to voters and increases substance
at the same time.

- Tom Kean, former Governor of New Jersey: It can
help at all levels, but it will be invaluable at the
Congressional level, where voters have the toughest
time knowing what candidates stand for.

- Janet Brown, Executive Director, Presidential
Debate Commission: Awesome.

- Josette Shiner, President, Empower America:
What the voters want is what they get. They're in
the driver's seat.

- Al From, President, Democratic Leadership
Council: In the Information Age, ideas need to drive
politics and policy, and FreedomChannel.com
is helping to make that happen.

The Sponsors of the nonprofit, free FreedomChannel.com
site (which takes no advertising of any kind) are the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Freedom Forum,
Carnegie Corporation of New York and The Century


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