WATPA: Online Internet course forFamilies

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From: William Langham (blangham@westnet.com)
Date: Mon Sep 20 1999 - 21:38:46 EDT

Fromthe American Assn of School Librarians:

For Immediate Release
September 1999

Free online course introduces families to the Internet

        FamiliesConnect, the parent/extended family component of the
American Association of School Librarians' (AASL) ICONnect technology
initiative, will be offering its free online course beginning the week
of October 11-16, 1999. "FamiliesConnect: An Introduction to the
Internet," is a five lesson course designed to help parents,
grandparents, and other extended family members learn about the
Internet and how to use it with children and their information needs.

        Anyone with Internet access and a basic understanding of
e-mail can register for the course. The number of course participants
is not limited, but you must register for the course by October 10,
1999 to receive all five lessons. To register:

        * Send an e-mail message to <listproc@ala.org>

        * As the subject of the message, type "subscribe" (without the
quote marks)

        * As the first and only line of text in the body of the
message, type:

                subscribe FAMILIES Yourfirstname Yourlastname

          For example:

                subscribe FAMILIES John Doe

The message should be typed exactly as specified above. Any
additional information included in the message can cause the
registration to be rejected by the list.

        Successful registrations are confirmed by e-mail. Contact
ICONnect at <ICONnect@ala.org> if a confirmation message is not
received within 24 hours. The first of the five lessons will be
delivered automatically via e-mail during the week of October 11-16,
and the remaining lessons will follow one each subsequent week.
Lessons will also be posted simultaneously each week on the
FamiliesConnect Web site at <www.ala.org/ICONN/familiesconnect.html>.

        The first lesson provides a brief history of the Internet,
defines terms related to Internet use, and describes twelve ways
families can use the Internet together including making travel plans
and visiting virtual museums. Lesson two is an overview of ways to
find information on the Internet including using a variety of search
tools, homework sites, ICONnect's KidsConnect service, and
subscription-based services such as online encyclopedias. E-mail and
the way it has changed the way people communicate is the topic of the
third lesson. The fourth lesson addresses privacy concerns, child
safety, the use of the Internet in schools, and the pros and cons of
home Internet filtering programs. Lesson five covers criteria for
evaluating Web sites, intellectual property rights, and citing
information found on the Internet. Each lesson features recommended
sites related to its topic that will be accessible via a web page
created specifically for the course. Recommendations for books and
other materials for more in-depth information are also included in the

        "FamiliesConnect: An Introduction to the Internet" was written
by Helen Adams, media specialist at Rosholt (Wis.) High School, and
Catherine Beyers, media specialist at LaCrosse (Wis.) Elementary

        AASL established the ICONnect technology initiative to address
the need for training school library media specialists to use the
Internet as a meaningful curriculum tool to help students develop
information literacy skills. ICONnect's Online Courses and annual
ICPrize for Collaboration through Technology components teach and the
skills necessary to effectively utilize online resources and encourage
integrating the Internet into the classroom. ICONnect established its
KidsConnect and FamiliesConnect components to help children and their
families find and evaluate information on the Internet.

        ICONnect receives financial support from Follett Library
Resources, The Gale Group, Winnebago Software Corporation, Linworth
Publishing, Grolier Publishing, Brodart Books and Brodart Automation.
Additional funding is provided by the H.W. Wilson Foundation. Learn
more about the ICONnect technology initiative by visiting the ICONnect
Web site at <http://www.ala.org/ICONN>.

        AASL is a division of the American Library Association.

Mary K. Chelton
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Library & Information Studies
Queens College
254 Rosenthal Library
65-30 Kissena Blvd.
Flushing, NY 11367-1597
Voice: (718) 997-3667
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East Patchogue, NY 11772
Voice: (516) 286-4255 or (516) 776-2166
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Owned and loved by two Vizslas:
  Spaetzlle (7.5 years) and Beamer (11 months)

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