Your Best
Thanksgiving Ever
- Brought to you by the family-favorite Reader's Digest, with something
for everyone - recipes, puzzles, games, stories, and history of the
Thanksgiving at
- Wikipedia has an extensive, if dry, history of the holiday.
Thanksgiving on the
- Celebrating America's first Thanksgiving, with stories, fact, and
Thanksgiving Made Easy
- The Family Web Site brings you tips and ideas to simplify your Turkey
Billy Bear's Thanksgiving Page
- This page, made especially for the kids, will bring a smile to
anyone's face.
Science of Perfect Turkey
Whip up a whiz-bang holiday feast using lab-tested principles of chemistry
and thermodynamics. Sound like a job best left to the pros? Not so! From
Popular Science.
The First
- From Scholastic. They spent two months at sea to reach a strange new
world, and barely survived once they got there. Learn how the Pilgrims
reached America and live to celebrate the first Thanksgiving.
- A large selection of electronic cards for this and other holidays,
from Blue Mountain Arts.
NYC Tourist Guide to
the Macy's Parade
- Your complete guide to the parade, with pictures from last year, the
history of the parade, sites to see this year, and much more!
Paperless Guide to a
NYC Thanksgiving
- A guide to various Thanksgiving activities in the Big Apple.
Unfortunately they seemed to stop updateing this page in 2002
Butterball Home Page
- Where else can you find out everything about turkey, than at the
Butterball web site? Recipes, preparation tips, and even some stuff for
the kids!
Recipes, Menus, and Videos from Epicurious
Turkey and stuffing recipes, how to bake a foolproof pie, dozens of holiday
menus, technique videos, and everything else you need for the ultimate
Thanksgiving at All
Recipies, traditions, and the new Recipie Box. Did we mention Recipies ?