As always, our Holiday Pages will be updated until January 1st, so keep coming back for more! Or, if you have a suggestion for a link, send a message to
For those who like MODs, we have a few Christmas MOD mixes. Find out about all your favorite rock'n'roll Christmas tunes at Mistletunes, along with a whole bunch you've never heard of.
It's also possible to hear streaming Christmas music over the Internet. Several sites are using streaming MP3 to bring you holiday music 24 hours a day. You will need an MP3 player such as WinAMP for windows, or Audacious for Linux. You can search the following sites for currently broadcasting stations:
And for the techies in the audience, we have our own list of Geeky Holiday Humor.
One of my favorite Christmas songs is I Want A Hippopotomus For Christmas. It's on a Dr. Demento CD, and was even sung on an episode of Ally McBeal (yuk). This song now has it's own FAQ, describing it's origins and where to get sheet music.
All The Old-School Holiday Viewing You Could Want, And Then Some
Want to know the difference between a Fraser and a Douglas Fir? The National Christmas Tree Association maintains a trim little site about tree types, their selection and care, and where to find a lot or farm near you.
Christmas in the Hudson Valley from the Hudson Valley Voyager. Candlelight tours and other seasonal events at all our heritage sites will take you back to yesteryear. Musical events, Nutcracker performances, crafts fairs, Christmas tree and Menorah lightings, festive walking tours of historic districts, wreath and ornament workshops - the Hudson Valley is a holiday wonderland and Voyager has it all organized for you on one page with a special calendar of seasonal events.
As part of the special holiday section in the Paperless Guide to New York City, the folks at Mediabridge Infosystems, Inc. are bringing a taste of a New York City Christmas to the World Wide Web. Pages are updated daily to present a different facet of the city.Toys for Tots - because "every child deserves a little Christmas."
Founded in 1993, Holiday Express is an all-volunteer, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization delivering music, toys, clothing, food and fun to children with cancer, people living with AIDS, the mentally ill, disadvantaged families, the isolated elderly and the desperate homeless.
Heard about the German Christmas Pickle ? While it's shown up in America in the last few years, most Germans haven't heard of it. This site tries to find the origin of this myth.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
NORAD NORAD tracks Santa's journey via satellite. Come view images, sounds, and movies of his journey.
Visit Santa at the North Pole, where children of all ages can read stories, print out pictures to color, and write to Santa online!
Take a look behind the scenes at the making of Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, from Rankin/Bass.
Homepage For The Holidays: Stories, games, artwork, recipes, and a guide to Holiday movies.
Christmas with Reader's Digest:
Recipes, Stories, Craft, Home Projects, and other tips.
Spunky Productions presents, with activities and recipes.
Bill's Antique Christmas Light Site: Bill really likes old Christmas light sets. Many of these I recognize from my Grandparents' house. One, the ring of lanterns, I still use on my tree.
Many Christmas traditions actually derive from pagan customs, such as The Yule, which survives as our term Yultide greetings, and Solstice.
Word Of Christmas is an interesting site, sort of a genreal overview of Christmas. However there is no information as to who runs it. Lots of recipies too.
Mary Mahar's Christmas Recipes, which include Divinity, gravy tips and, of all things, Christmas Soup. Kraft Foods brings your recipes from their Interactive Kitchen. As if that weren't enough, the Vegetarian Society of the UK offers a handful of meatless holiday concoctions. On the menu: "Broccoli Cream Cheese & Pear and Almond Soup." Sound good? Yeah, we thought you'd like it.
And finally, we have Christmas Recipes from includes the WorldWide
Judaica Store, and the WorldWide JewishWeb.
Visit Virtual Jerusalem - Chanukah page.
The Project Genesis Chanukah Page provides historical, philosophical, and practical information on Chanukah, the Festival of Lights.
Of course, the biggest celebration of New Years is at Times Square, but aside from a few thousand people, who is crazy enough to GO there ? Got plans for New Year's Eve? This site does !
ClubNYC Guide to New Year's Eve Parties - for the where and when of what's going on