Westnet: Phone Numbers

New York

914-290-4450Lower Westchester (White Plains)
914-417-0202 Lower Westchester (Rye)
845-363-4055Upper Westchester (Purdys/Carmel)
914-214-7202Upper Westchester (Yorktown Hts)
212-561-5038 Manhattan
718-208-4055Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island
516-806-4021Nassau County (Hicksville), Long Island
631-887-0202Eastern Suffolk, Long Island
631-380-8202Western Suffolk, Long Island
845-727-8202 Rockland/Orange Counties
845-727-8202 Nyack
845-483-8024 Poughkeepsie


914-417-0202Greenwich (Rye)
203-687-4055New Haven

Please click here for New Jersey dial-up phone numbers.

* NOTE: If you are unsure, please contact your local telephone company to determine what the charges will be to call these numbers. Due to the number of different billing plans available, WestNet can not say what the costs will be dialing these numbers. Selecting a number that is not local to you can result in significant additional charges on your phone bill, for which WestNet is not responsible.

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